What are Metals Industry Applications?
Bantox®, metals industry applications, have successfully stabilized over 1,000,000 tons of hazardous waste in the ferrous and non-ferrous industries. These include foundry, smelter and scrap processing operations. Lead and cadmium tend to be the hazardous elements of concern in this waste. Bantox can also stabilize chromium, selenium and arsenic waste.
Bantox ® chemical features allow it to be used at lower dose rates than the competition. When you combine these low dose rates with our competitive pricing and superior customer service, it’s easy to see why most companies prefer Bantox® for metals industry applications.
Bantox® is used to stabilizes heavy metals like lead though multiple mechanisms.
- pH adjustment
- Chemical reactions
- Encapsulation
Bantox® also complies with:
- TCLP testing
- Fresh water leach tests

How it works..
Adding Bantox® to your process at an optimal location will eliminate the need for any type of regulatory treatment permit, thus eliminating the requisite record keeping, reporting & training typically required to operate a metals industry applications operation. Bantox® is typically applied through a metering device or dispenser that ensures consistent & accurate delivery into the waste stream.
Years of Proven Use
Here at The TDJ Group, we specialize in performance grade work and the function of our product with simple use in metals industry applications. We have been a top product in our market for over 30 years and assisted the metal casting industry, lead paint sandblasting and soil remediation in stabilization of heavy metals. We are constantly innovating and finding new ways to satisfy our customer and keep your satisfaction as a top priority.

Bantox ® 115 Technical Data Sheet
Bantox® also meets the definition of US EPA’s Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) for lead wastes. Other chemical enhancements can be added to treat difficult industrial waste streams, or chromium, selenium and arsenic waste streams.